
Posts Tagged ‘speakers’

Merry Christmas!

December 24th, 2008 3 comments

Instead of getting you a Christmas podcast this year, we decided to get you this… ah… Christmas post to let you know how much we love you and wish you a Merry Christmas.

OK, ok… My PC decided to corrupt the raid drives and that takes about 1-2 hours to remedy… This completely obliterated the window Dina and I had for doing the podcast this week… so instead, we’ll do some…

Listener Questions
In any rate I thought I would answer some questions that came in to us via email. First, Jonathan from New York asked us the following: Read more…

Girls Don’t Care About Audio

February 26th, 2008 7 comments

So I go to City Hall today to take care of some business stuff and I am ushered into a room with a woman who will help me get what I need accomplished. On her desk are a pair of Altec Lansing speakers. They are the tiny satellite kind that appear in offices all over the United States I’m sure. What was unusual about them (so I thought) was their positioning. One pointed at the side wall next to her desk (it was a corner-oriented computer arrangement) – the other pointed completely sideways. SIDEWAYS. Neither was oriented correctly to deliver any sort of coherent stereo image. I’m relegated to the fact that girls don’t care about sound. They just don’t. If they hear anything at all it’s fine. Read more…

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