Home > Tom's Blog > HTPC’s Suck

HTPC’s Suck

April 12th, 2007

This will soon be a podcast topic. I HATE HTPCs for the same reason I hate ALL PC’s. They suck. Hardcore. They crash, they have driver conflicts, they take a dump when you’re two episodes behind in 24… Arg! You know what REALLY sucks, all the people that say they DON’T suck. They do. It is all lies. The minute you put a Windows OS in a component meant for your home theater, you are asking for headaches. Crashes, compatibility issues, odd behaviors at inopportune times… You’ve all experienced it at work or at home. Everything works fine for WEEKS, maybe even YEARS but the one day it really matters? It stops working. No rhyme or reason. Just ups and dies. Well, I dare someone to send me another HTPC with the promise of flawless, crash-free operation. I JUST DARE YOU!!!! Cause if it doesn’t, I’m going to slam that box so f-ing hard that we’ll have to make up new negative ratings just for the review. I’m over it. Bill Gates is the Anti-Christ and PC’s are his tool for destruction.

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  1. April 12th, 2007 at 10:52 | #1

    Well, there goes TOM’S objectivity! Seriously though, I don’t know what you’re talking about. HTPCs always work for me and I’ve never experienced a Windows crash ever. In fact, Bill Gate is a friend of mine, sir and you… YOU, sir, are no Bill Gates.

    Yes, HTPCs are a wonderful tool. In fact, I think we should embed the Windows OS in ALL electronics gear. I mean, why NOT have Windows in a receiver or DVD player. Let’s put it into TVs so that everyone can maybe do their taxes during commercials. It could be fabulous. It could be revolutionary!

    All these guys selling HTPCs are doing the world a service – they know that integrating PCs into the living room is the future. Never mind that it took years to get CableCards in PCs or that Vista’s new interface is despised almost universally for Media Center use… or that no one can roll their own PCs with CableCARD integration… or that HDMI video cards are more expensive than the price of the rest of the components combined. Or that HDCP is only vaguely supported…

    Seriously, Tom you need to get with the program.

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