Home > Tom's Blog > Fringe Code Broken – Audience Underwhelmed

Fringe Code Broken – Audience Underwhelmed

April 9th, 2009

And here I was not even knowing there was a code. I just skimmed the articles (there are a few if you follow the links) but you can get the full skinny on ARS. Apparently those graphics before each commercial indicate a letter. By the end of each episode, it spells a word. These words don’t work together create sentences, however, they just plug into the theme (mostly) of each episode. Personally, I downloaded the graphic just so I could probably not ever use it but whatever. I just wish the messages were less lame. One word? Seriously? All that work for a stupid word? There should be a secret revealed over the course of the season. Like “J.J. Abrams is a douchebag” or “Anna Torv only has one expression – sickly worry.” We all know they’ve only had about seven good plots and they just redo them over and over (she’s going into the tank again)?!? Maybe they’ll make better use of it next season. Probably not, though.

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