Home > Podcast > AV Rant #290: Tactile Future

AV Rant #290: Tactile Future

June 12th, 2012

Welcome to the future, folks. It’s tactile in here. Check out this new tactile feedback touchscreen. Tom thinks it will completely revolutionize computers and make laptops a thing of the past. Liz just thinks it is cool. Also on Liz’s “to buy” list is the new Swivel tracking iPhone base. It will follow you while taking a movie with your phone. All for under $200. People beg HBO to take their money. HBO says “no thank you“. They also think they haven’t been hurt by piracy so Tom is pretty sure they are run by a bunch of idiots. Crossover movies…will the make movies better or just more of the same, shaky cam crap we’ve been subjected to? Yamaha has some new Aventage receivers and Tom is very impressed. Think of the new Denon IN-Command line except with more features. Moshi Vortex Pro review is out. Tom is waiting for the fallout. Thanks for listening. Now, don't forget to:

  • Check out the AV Rant YouTube channel to watch our show videos.
  • Download Tom’s FREE superhero-themed ebook Bob Moore: No Hero.
  • Visit Tom's website for download links as well as links for the two full-length follow-ups -  Bob Moore: Desperate Times and Bob Moore: Hostile Territory.
  • Check out AVGadgets.com where Tom is the new Editor-in-Chief!
  • Download Tom's NEWEST book, Touch of Pain from Amazon now!

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  1. Jeb Butler
    June 13th, 2012 at 20:05 | #1

    I agree with you all about the shaky cam thing. It’s annoying. After reading Hunger Games, I wondered how they would do trying to convey a story told in the first person where half the book is about how she feels. I think shaky cam helped at many points, but Liz nailed it. Don’t dilute it by doing it the whole stinking movie!

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