Home > Podcast > AV Rant #273: Interview with PJ Pesce

AV Rant #273: Interview with PJ Pesce

February 24th, 2012

For this special episode of AV Rant, Tom welcomes Clint DeBoer, Editor in Chief of Audioholics and PJ Pesce. PJ is a writer, director, musician and more. He’s worked on tons of stuff over the years (check out his IMDb here) and has great insight into the workings of Hollywood and the movie-making machine. Tom and Clint talk with PJ about the movie making process, some of the recent trends in movies (specifically 3D), and who is to blame for bad movies. AV Rant and Audioholics would like to thank PJ for taking time out of his busy schedule to talk with us. NOTE: There are a few curse words in this episode. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. Download Tom’s FREE ebook Bob Moore: No Hero which is pretty much available everywhere. You can also check out Tom’s new book, Bob Moore: Desperate Times on Amazon, iTunesNook, and pretty much everywhere else. Friend Tom and Liz on Google+ to join in on one of our hangouts.

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  1. Rob H.
    February 28th, 2012 at 16:28 | #1

    Very cool!

    Many thanks to PJ Pesce for being so open and candid about the full process. His comments echo a lot of what is heard – how the real goal is, of course, to make money and how that can conflict with puer artistic intent most of the time. But I think the real take away is that it might not make artists happy, but it IS understandable. It’s a LOT of money being spent up front. The people fronting the money are business people. They want to recoup their investment and make a profit, which is TOTALLY fair and understandable! They are risk averse and they want numbers that they can crunch so they can figure out whether this is a good investment or not.

    I can’t believe neither Tom nor Clint even HINTED at Bob Moore though – lol. There were several moments where it would have been SO easy just to drop a little mention!

    It does seem like PJ could potentially really help. The guy’s a writer. He’s sold screenplays and scripts and gone through the whole process. He might not want to make a Bob Moore movie himself or even necessarily be the right director to do it or something. But I’m pretty sure he could help in the process. Getting a screenplay written. Getting it in front of some producers and such. Can’t hurt to just “put it out there”, right, Tom? Unless they steal your ideas, I guess :p That’s certainly a legitimate fear…

  2. Jeb Butler
    March 26th, 2012 at 10:58 | #2

    Great interview, thanks!

    My wife and I had the need to waste an evening in the city a few weeks ago and so went to see the 3D movie about the modern dance lady that PJ mentioned. We saw it at the http://seattlecinerama.com/the-experience/about/ which, I presume, gave us about as good an experience with 3D as is possible right now. They made good use of the 3D, it was used thoughtfully and tastefully, but pretty quick both of us were wishing that we were just seeing a normal high quality image. The 3D image feels lo-res some how and not entirely different than what I remember of Captain EO when I was a little kid at Disneyland. I know it is far advanced from that but is still feels like someone is scrambling my optical circuits and I don’t like having my brain messed with.


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