Home > Podcast > AV Rant #259: Audiophile Demos

AV Rant #259: Audiophile Demos

November 24th, 2011

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. If you live in Perth or (probably) in Australia, you shouldn’t listen past the closing music. You’ve been warned. This week Liz and Tom tackle Google Music, audiophile demos, and Vudo-to-go. Liz has some thoughts on PETA, Tom breaks down the new NAD VISO 1 and BenQ Joybee GP2, and Liz announces the death of Wave – to a chorus of, “What?” Thanks for listening and don’t forget to vote for us at Podcast Alley! To see our (mostly) complete collection of show videos, click here. Download Tom’s FREE ebook Bob Moore: No Hero which is pretty much available everywhere. You can also check out Tom’s new book, Bob Moore: Desperate Times on Amazon (and soon everywhere). Friend Tom and Liz on Google+ to join in on one of our hangouts.


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  1. Rob
    November 26th, 2011 at 02:36 | #1

    I am shocked and appalled, sir. Shocked and appalled. The slander! Oh, the slander.

    Tom speaks of an email that does not exist! And has thus overstated my enthusiasm for filling in as a guest host whilst he is away in December!

    It is a work of fiction: an exaggeration of the highest order! Nay, t’was not I sending an email to Tom, but rather Tom sending a direct tweet to me, requesting that I Skype with him about an unrelated topic! At the end of our conversation, Tom was the one to mention that he would be away for three weeks, and that perhaps I might fill in for an episode (or more, if necessary).

    So fie, Tom. Fie! To mock me so on your podcast that all your many listeners might cast aspersions on me and draw false conclusions as to the methods by which I might yet appear, once again, as a guest host! It is a fanciful and waggish mind that has created the apocryphal tale of my beseeching Tom to host in his absence. An impish mind that shan’t be allowed to spread its mistruths unabated!

    I trust my castigation has been sufficient to set the record straight.

    By the way, can I guest host the podcast while you’re away, Tom?


  2. December 1st, 2011 at 06:00 | #2


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