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Random Thoughts – Boredom, Geekdom, Monsterdom, and Gears of War…dom…

May 16th, 2008

So, I was surfing around trying to find something interesting to post over at Audioholics (you know, so I can get paid and all) and I couldn’t find squat. Nothing. Just a bunch of random crap about just about nothing. And this isn’t just today – it’s been a week of this or more. Feels like much more. And while I don’t mind focusing on reviews, it is nice to take a break and write an editorial or something. At least get a couple of topics for the podcasts. Seems like all the questions lately have been about subwoofers and while I could talk about them all day, I figure I need to vary the topics a bit.

One thing I did come across that was kinda cool was this geek flow chart from the New York Times. Looking at it, it is pretty scary not only how accurate it is, but how much of it I understand. I’m pretty sure that if you get all the references on this chart, you are a geek. If you get most – well, you’re probably still a geek. If you get none… well, thanks for stopping by. I’m not sure what combination of keywords got you here and I know you’re not coming back but it must have been an interesting, “Hey honey, look at what they geeks are talking about” moment for you.

On to the chart. The only thing it is really missing is some sort of Lovecraftian reference and perhaps a nod or two to some of the great non-LOTR’s fantasy fiction (though I did appreciate the Dune reference – one of my favorites). I got just about everything though I hadn’t heard of the Captain Crunch whistle thing. That was pretty interesting. Sure, I can’t remember my kid’s birthdays but you can bet I’ll pull that little factoid out 20 years from now.

Gears of War II is coming out and I can honestly say I haven’t been this excited over a game in a long time. Clint and I are replaying GoW to get all the Cogs and a few achievements we missed (mostly the Dom stuff). If you don’t know what I’m talking about – shame on you! Run out and buy this game used. Worth every cent. I found a few videos of the gameplay and while I haven’t watched all of them yet (they are in High def and are taking forever to download), everything I hear and read only makes me believe that this is going to be a huge game. Will it outsell GTA IV? Probably not. But it should. It really, really should.

Lastly, it looks like Monster is at it again with their lawsuits. After trying to crush Blue Jeans Cables under their jackbooted heel, they’ve moved on… to a mini-golf park. I swear, the Monster lawyers must get paid by the threatening word (not the nice ones – just the mean ones). These people have apparently been through this before with them and have counsel. If Kurt’s experience is any indication, a strongly worded letter should get them to back off. Or at least stop threatening you until them run out of other people to hassle.

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  1. May 16th, 2008 at 16:29 | #1

    Wow – did you see the tree get knocked down by the tank nearer to the beginning? The best clip is the commentary at the bottom, they really pointed out a few things I missed the first 2 times I watched it…

    You can now use dead guys as “meat shields”… nice.

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